Check In – Weekly!

Weekly Check In

DD slash MM slash YYYY
I want ONE win you had with your health & fitness this week.
(Repetition keeps it front of mind)
Take some time to reflect. What did you do well? Think training, nutrition, mindset, habits etc.
Again, take some time to reflect, you're looking for the things you could have done better. Maybe you could have limited your wine, or said no to lunch.
Did you stick to your nutrition 100% this week?(Required)
Please be honest, we're here to help :)
If so, how much? And which day(s)?
What is your stress load like?(Required)
How's things with your friends, family, partner etc? Is there anything going on that could affect how you're feeling emotionally? Remember, everything affects everything.
How are your energy levels this week?(Required)
How many hours are you sleeping each night?(Required)
How's your sleep quality?(Required)
Do you have any indigestion, bloating, reflux or anything else we should know about?
How many per day/ week? (We're talking poops)
How's your appetite?(Required)
Did you manage to hit all your sessions for the week?(Required)

If not, please explain.
If you don't have the equipment, or the "flow" of the workout doesn't suit, please list below and let me know. Give as much detail as possible.
E.g. General feedback (Feel strong, feel tired, feel tighter, feel bloated, hungry, not hungry, high energy levels, hit some PBs, lost weight. The more information in this section, the better).
List anything you feel would help.
Have you uploaded your latest progress pictures?(Required)
If you haven't, please do so ASAP!
Have you uploaded your weight this week?(Required)
If you haven't, please do so ASAP! Either upload the weekly average, or upload each day on to the app.
Have you uploaded your latest circumference?(Required)
If you haven't, please do so ASAP!